Pre-Physical Therapy Club

Pre-Physical Therapy Club


The Pre-Physical Therapy Club is open to all students at the University of Kansas. Our common interest--physical therapy. One way or another, we all became interested in the field and are looking to learn more and potentially pursue a professional degree. 

Our club meets tentatively once a month through Zoom. All club meeting information, including: dates & times, meeting topics, and extra opportunities, will be sent out via email, GroupMe, and Instagram when there is an upcoming meeting.

We like to bring in various speakers for meetings, connect PT students with other students and faculty, talk to admissions representatives from graduate schools, etc. If you have any meeting or speaker ideas, or any ideas about events that we could pursue as a club, please email the club or join the GroupMe and talk to us there! 

We hold officer elections at the end of each fall semester.


Currently, there is no cost for being apart of the club.


Want to learn more?! If so, PLEASE send us an email (listed below).


Our current officers are:
President: Sarah Bruce
Vice-President: Emma Henry

Public Relations: Bailey Bridge

Club Email: If you would like to be added to the club emailing list, just send an email to the address listed.

Contact Information

Contact Email E: