Black Law Students Association

Black Law Students Association


     The mission of the Black Law Students Association is to articulate and promote the educational, professional, political, and social needs and goals of Black law students and students of color. This includes creating opportunities for all students to interact with, and learn from, the experiences of minority students through shared social and community activities. The association is also dedicated to advocating for the needs of fellow students, increasing the admission of minority students, and fostering a welcoming and supportive environment for students.

     The Association is both a social organization of students, and a community service organization.

     The Association is operated and directed by students attending the University of Kansas School of Law under the advisement of a School of Law Faculty Advisor.

     BLSA is open to any student enrolled at the University of Kansas School of Law, who is interested in furthering BLSA's mission and purpose. Interested students should attend BLSA meetings that will be scheduled throughout the academic year

Contact Information

University of Kansas School of Law - Green Hall
1535 W. 15th Street
Lawrence, KS 66044 66045
Contact Email E: